Center for telecommunication and information technologies, 2002

Everyday life and holidays of faculty of zoology

The Yaroslavl State Pedagogical university to which the faculty of zoology belongs, was based in 1908, and nowadays represents the large study - methodical, research and cultural centre, versatile high school. In 1939 the biological faculty included 9 faculties, a biological research station and a botanical garden. At faculty it is trained more than 900 students on 4 directions: chemistry, biology, geography, valeology. Faculty of zoology is one of conducting at faculty. This faculty is the initiator and the organizer of several university actions, such as Day of birds. During this day there are competitions of student's photos " In an objective of a bird ", " The best artificial nesting-site ", the quiz of "Bird", a student's concert and the action of hanging starling houses, and also excursion in a zoological museum at faculty which exhibits are in walls of university since 1910-1911. An autumn supervision over birds (are traditional within the framework of the International days of protection of birds), within all year - work on the Red book of the Yaroslavl area and a theme of scientific research " Animals in an anthropogenous landscape " (studying of dynamics of number and structure of a population of stray dogs of city). On faculty there are 6 senior lecturers, 2 assistants and 2 laboratorians.
