Gymnasium, Беларусь

Стихотворение "Призыв к людям со всего мира"
Год создания: 2001

Стихотворение "Призыв к людям со всего мира"

I am writing my poem, the piece is tearing
I am writing my poem but hand is trembling
And greatly want I to believe
That it will better further live.
And I believe in this by heart
But soul also and my mind
But it' so hard for me to trust
Cause all is wallowed in evil around.
Perhaps not only I live
By my great dreams and hopes
Perhaps not only I think
Of question: "What will be with us"?
And I believe that day will come
We'll wake up early in the morning
And feel that hapy future has become
And people are better and more kind.
We'll have respect to other people
And wiil see shine in their eyes
We will not feel hatress to them
And will not quarrel
All wars and sorrows wiil be stopped
And thoughtt of war will be forgotten
We'll not be resented on those who live in other countries
Who have another colour of sceen
Who are of another nation
And who have another way of thought.
All we are people of the world
All we brothers equel by nature
We all should live in peace!

Kondraja Vasilisa 10. class