Ashanti Goldfields High School, Гана

"Мои золотые мечты"
Год создания: 2001


If only I was in a place where my thoughts and my imaginations will take me to my dreams -
A dream so believing and yet not in reality
A dream where the era of racism is part of history
A dream where the chains and barriers of racism are broken
A dream where there are no race riots
A dream where the colour of my skin does not make a difference
A dream where no one will discriminate against my race
A dream where no one has a preconceived opinion of who or what I am
A dream where a block can proudly rise up and say "I am proud of my skin colour"
A dream where blacks and whites live together in love, peace and harmony

If only I was in a place where the era of religious difference no more counts.
A place where no one will treat me approbriously because of who I worship or how I worship.
A place where scepticism is in abundance
A place where dogmatism scarce and foreign
A place where everyone in a country does not worship the same kind of God, but there are different types of religions.
A place where the idea of a country being a one religious stale is abolished.
A place where the Jehovah Witnesses and the Catholics move together
A place where the Pentecostal Churches live in peace with the Traditional believers
A place where the Methodists and Buddhists are friends.
A place where Christians live in harmony, peace and love with Moslems

f only I was in a trance where my sex did not count
A trance where girls have the same future opportunities as boys
A trance where girls are not deprived of their rights as children
A trance where girls will also have the right to education as boys
A trance where girls are not under estimated.
A trance where girls are given the same power as boys.

If my imaginations and thoughts have been able to take me to my dreams
If only you strongly believe that dreams can come true
Then why don't you just open your hearts
And let tolerance flow in and fill it
To overshadow your racial thoughts
To overcome your prejudices
To put a stop to religious differences and riots
To outshine the under estimation of the girl-child
This is what I cry for
This is what I pray for
This is what I wish for
This is what I long for
This is what I hope for
This is what I constantly dream of
Oh! Yes, this is the place I want to be
The place where tolerance flows like a river
Please give my golden thoughts a chance!